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Philadelphia dollar tree

When a male ejaculates onto a random girls leg.

Did you hear about Rachel? She got Philadelphia Dollar Tree’d the other day. She said her leg was covered in jizz.

by BigRoostah July 13, 2024

Dimes will get you dollars

Glib way of saying "There is a high probability that..." It doesn't make too much sense if you think about the way gambling odds work, but I didn't create it; I just report it.

Dimes will get you dollars that his car will break down before he gets there.

Dimes will get you dollars that she doesn't really want to change jobs.

by Al Benedict June 30, 2021

half dollar

when a girl only give you half a blow job. also known as low job.

my girl friend gave me a half dollar last night it sucked.

by Ashly gomez November 25, 2011

million dollar buffet

multiple good looking people in the same place/room.

(made by Emma Mc, on ft with Leah Mc and Erin T)

I'm on a call with Emma, Leah and Erin, this is a million dollar buffet.

by million dollar buffet February 20, 2021

Dollar store donkeykong

A huge guy who is ass at soccer named Daniel delgado who looks like fake donkeykong

Hey delgado why do you look like dollar store donkeykong

fuck you then

by XOTWOD23 March 16, 2022

Dollar Dingus

The act of inserting coins into the male urethra, in the hope that the coinage violently exits the penis during climax, entering the recipient's body metaphorically completing the transaction.

Person 1: "Jamie hit me with a huge Dollar Dingus last night, he even let me keep the change!"
Person 2: "Cha Ching! What a deposit!"

by August 11, 2024

cahaba dollar

A Cahaba dollar is a term that can be tossed around rather easily. When one has been utterly fucked over, they have been "Cahaba dollared" . When you have spent "too much money" you have just spent a Cahaba dollar. A "Cahaba dollar" may also be used to describe/define a person who to you, is quite irrelevant, due to them simply being a mother fucker.

A Cahaba Dollar is a definition of intensity...

I spent a fat Cahaba dollar on that four loko.

The woman at the DMV Cahaba dollared me into purchasing a Class C license.

My dad, who abandoned me at the age of 2, is not even worth 1 Cahaba dollar to me.

by GnarLine December 18, 2017