One of the Don’s of The Detroit Mafia, the head huncho, hot head Nd go getter
You don’t want to be like Don Slaughta he live that life
An attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages with false identification.
I'm going on The Don and Travis show, do you need me to get any beer for you?
Pablitooo! I know him! He is the compa más loco del puto barrio guey, te lo juro. He will do so many crazy things you know. Me acuerdo de una reunión con muchos de los narcotraficantes más importantes del área, sabes, and puto Pablito, man, he just shoot up the entire place man! Loco ese, loco cabrón, órale. Very loco, very beautiful, very nice.
Hey, what's up, Don Pablito Hernández de la Mancha, I'm gonna go to the store, you want something?
- Nah, ese, I'm cool.
That one guy with hella sty. Overall superior to his friends. Don Chito has many friends, including Tommy the tickler and sticky joe. Father to 9, he will always be remembered as an Arabian solider.
Wow nice nuclear weapon, you are such a don Chito!