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trash drug

a drug not deemed pleasurable

that salvia is a trash drug

by the evil asiatic cockroach July 12, 2018

Pysch drugs

Brain and body destroying narcotics disguised as medicine.

Pyschiatrist: here take these very safe non addictive pysch drugs for the rest of your life
Patient: OK as you say there safe, what's the harm

(a period of time later)

Patient: I feel terrible on these things and I can't stop
Pyschiatrist : I told you you'll have to take them for the rest of your life
Patient: fuck

by Peeko75 December 10, 2021

Drug poo

Poop that you eat to save your life carried by all Americans. Men and boys from birth carry drug poo.
Chemically enhanced poop carried from birth that'll save you from withdrawal and dts

Eat that drug poo. Make sure you include a blowjob.

by Cody5050 December 19, 2022