Nothing but a piece of fabric if you dont hold it sacred, which is a lot like going to church and kneeling when you dont believe in god. So, what are you really there for besides taking money out of the collection basket if you're pretending to honor something nobody else can see either?
The guy/girl didnt believe in a flag or anything else, and expected everyone else to apologize, compromise, or change their way of doing things until they didnt believe in anything either. The guy/girl didnt believe in god, but was too chicken shit not to say god bless you when somebody sneezed, that way nobody would call him/her an atheist.
A small, styrofoam-based takeout box
Bro, can we get those sausages flagged up?
Eat a bullet bitch. Your life is the actual result of looking like a jewish man and NOTHING ELSE.
Hym "How's that for a red flag? You're life is a joke that I made."
Meaning: like a flag, free, tall, proud, confident, above vapidity and corruption. Doesn't describe looks, more a spiritual thing.
When friend does a favor for you ... "Man, that's flag of you, thanks."
When boss is proud of you for clinching a big deal: "You flaggin hard today. Nice work."
When girlfriend shuts down douche hitting on her at bar: "Bae, that was a flag thing you did back there."
When colleagues game up for a good work day: "All right, boys, let's flag it up."
"If you ain't flaggin, you saggin"
Something that’s both the biggest red flag while being simultaneously the biggest green flag- depends on the persons perspective
A: “Dude my music taste is such a purple flag- I like the most saddening emo music but it’s also so good”
B: Lmao yeah it’s seriously the biggest red flag but honestly it’s so good it makes it green
A: That’s what I’m saying!!! I promise I’m not problematic.
A student in La Salle College named lau tsz hong is a flag brother.