A combination of a fucker and a tard
Justin Bieber is a fucktard!
Noun, Descriptive word of frustration towards an individuals idiocy
Plural,Twinucktard (Twin-uck-tard) Used in cases when venting must be placed upon more than one individual
To drop ones pants in public...What a Fucktard, You're a Fucktard, Fucking Fucktard.
Combination of two words Fuck/Retard to express two insults.
Random Guy 1:Man I've no-coated a a girl
Random Guy 2:What?
Random Guy 1:I Mean i Barebacked her
Random Guy 2:Arggh you Fucktard
"Shut the fuck up fucktard." "Woah I dont think u can say that bruh"
When you call someone a retard with an added level of cruelty.
" You fucking FUCKTARD!"
"Your Mums a fucking fucktard. Who im gunna fucking fuck."