When you purposely leave an item, such as a hat or jacket, at someone's house or apartment so you have an excuse to go see them again later.
Me: Dude, where's your hat?
Friend: Oh, I left it at this girl's place so I can go see her again next weekend.
Me: Ah, drop in a give a quick Italian Hello I see.
a way to greet fellow danish people around earth
dane means a person or thing from denmark
dane: hello fellow danes
danes: hello fellow dane
When one uses a bidet during a winter power outage and the water is freezing.
Essentially an enema with freezing water.
I forgot the power was out and got an Alaskan hello in the bathroom!
The act of giving a rimjob while the recipient urinates
Jason gave me a Hudgins Hello.
Hello World is a programming language course in Kosovo located in Podujeva, Peja and Istog. Everyone suggests to go to the course. So if u live in Kosovo go check them out.
Hello world school is the best
yeah go listen to it. its really really really good honestly.
and yes im a middle schooler for the love of god.
just a face in the crowd so far from faaaaaaaaame........
nobody even knows my name!
i'm wide-eyeeeeeeeeed
i'm so shyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i'm tongue-tied, caught up in confusion
i'm finding
i'm losing my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind..............................................!
freaking out like a middle schooler!!!!
middle schooler hello sister
Being woken up abruptly by a sharp punch to the dick.
Dalton was rudely awoken by an El Paso Hello.