A witch hunt, but by leftists and homosexuals.
Dennis has a "don't tread on me" symbol on the back of his truck. So the leftists of San Francisco went on a white supremacist hunt and searched all through his social media for any inkling that he might hate mexicans.
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When a group of cougars go out and on the attack, as a group or as an individual. Its usually more likely they will hunt as a group to corner fun groups of single men.
Many cougars make a night of it. It creates excitement and its fun
2. A dating game used at a party to allow cougar women to attack in fun and without judgement as the young cubs are all volunteers
A group of women on a cub hunt entered the room. They each licked there lips and looked at one another with glee.
"Ladies let our cub hunt begin."
Some fucking bullshit that millennial girls do in between, and during interactions, up to, and including intercourse, with their significant others. Also, a form of practicing safe “socializing” in which no original concepts are expected of the hunter.
I wanted to cuddle, maybe take it a step further. But I could see the small bright light. She was meme hunting, and I would be another night of jacking off for me.
A guy who rants about who puts girls into stereotypes of women, calls about 90% of women basic bitches. Rants a bunch about what he would do for his girl, only to call her bitch endearingly after, and claims that he has less of a chance talking to girls because of his body figure being flabby.
Guy 1: Hey man, I would love that girl to death, but she needs to stop being a basic bitch and know every guy isnt chiseled! I need pussy too!
Guy 2: Dude, you're really pulling a Riley Hunt.
Guy 1: Oh Shit! You're right. My bad man, my bad.
where a large group of people go to the supermarket of choice, and take every single last can of spam from the shelves.
the first half of the spam is to be hidden around the store randomly, to be found later.
the second half of the spam is to be distributed about the group, then taken to a specific register where the inguiry "how much is this?!" will be made, and, upon recieving the answer, placing the can down next to the register, exclaiming "too much!" in an annoyed tone, and storming off. repeat with remaining second half of spam, each person at a time.
dude, we need a shitload of people to pull off this spam hunt. don't be a pussy.
The act when two men ejaculate in each others (anus’s) and proceed to “butt spit” into each others (anus’s)
Hey jasper wanna go “candy Buffalo hunting later”?
The act in two men ejaculating in each others (anus’s) and proceeding to butt spit into said (anus’s)
Hey jasper wanna go “candy Buffalo hunting”