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United States of America

A place that is heaven when you're immigrating and hell when you actually get there

"Yes, I just got my Green Card! I'm going to United States of America, baby!"

(Three months later)

"Hi, buddy this is (some Mexican name). So how's life in United States of America?"

Grimaces and says darkly"Don't ask, fellow, don't ask..."

by wearethebhai2 August 23, 2009

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united states of america

The opposite of the Confederate States of America.

Now I feel half ashamed of living here.

by Cyndane March 6, 2005

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Plattsburgh State University

A small SUNY school in the heart of Plattsburgh, NY, a small north country town on Lake Champlain about 20 minutes away from the border (and a really "awesome" bar called The Rocket, where you can get some coke with that Molson). Nearly every student enrolled, except for the copious amounts of Japanese exchange students, had Plattsburgh as about number six on their list of schools they wished to attend. Then, they either got lazy or didn't get into any other school they applied to. So they came to Plattsburgh State University becuase if you could write your name on the application you were in. This led to the massive influx of freshmen in the fall of 06, leading to really lame parties and no parking spaces for anyone. In past years, it was actually really fun. Then all the fun people left. Over the years, it has gotten progressively lamer. When students get really bored of the lameness, they take a trip to Montreal and realize how shitty their life is. This is usually compensated for by heavily drinking at least 5 days out of the week and smoking ones self stupid, then going downtown to get Pizza Bonos. Homework is rarely done, not because of laziness, but because this is Plattsburgh.

for some reason, the administrators changed the name to Plattsburgh State University College in 05. why the repetativeness? no one knows.

One of the qualities a Plattsburgh State student must have is a deep, penetrating hatred for ones self and a want to either jump off of the Kehoe administration building with a group of friends or drown themselves in the the Hawkins Pond. There is actually a facebook group devoted to this sentiment. If you go to Plattsburgh, you are probably a member.
Another is a drive to become the best semi-functioning alcoholic/stoner they can be.

Most students say they are going to transfer next semester. They want to see if they'll hate themselves as much somewhere else. They will. This transfer to another school rarely happens, and if it does, that person is our life-long idol.

If you go here, you know and love poutine.

Hey, what do you want to do on this fine, freezing cold August day at Plattsburgh State University ?

I want to drink my face off, try not to kill myself, and smoke myself retarded!

Awesome! me too!

Sweet! then we can go to Pizza Bonos, drink more downtown, then go jump in Lake Champlain and hope that Champy gets us before hypothermia!

Boy, I love Plattsburgh State University.

by drunk PSU student November 5, 2006

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New York State

a land mass put in place to quarantine(sic) new england from the rest of the country. not sure if it's for their good or ours

welcome to new england. please enjoy our attractions, spend your money, and then leave

by bob b March 15, 2004

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Tri-state mumble

The language generally spoken by non-native English speakers in the tri-state area(North Jersey, New York City Suburbs and Southern Connecticut). Usually it is spoken fluently by cabbies, gas station attendants and mini mart clerks.

I could not understand Abu at the 7-Eleven when he tried to give me a free bag of Doritos because he was speaking the tri-state mumble.

by Winsa12 July 13, 2009

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Salem State College

A College where there's nothing to do on the weekends, condoms in the vending machines, and playing strip billiards at 2am. Hot Girls? yeah only a few but are hard to get into bed (need a lot more than booze). "Meh" girls? plenty... but only use if you need a vagina desperately... you've been warned.

Salem State College... home of desperate "meh" girls, condoms in the vending machines, and playing strip billiards at 2am... come on down!

by 2 dollar Hooker May 12, 2014

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United States of America

Founded by some good principles in 1776 and gained independence from Great Britain. Currently is full of scumbags, white supremacists, black supremacists, and snowflake liberals who think they are entitled to everything and/or are offended by everything, completely forgetting the toils the soldiers defending freedom go through.

Yo dood, the United States of America is totally messed up right now, good thing our daddy Donald Trump is alright man.

by Mr. Noobster November 6, 2017

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