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Preferring some more interesting paint color for your wall, or even some wallpaper.

Person 1: "What color should we paint the room? I'm thinking white."
Person 2: "You mean the world's most boring color? Nah, I'm anti-white. Maybe let's go for some interesting color for the walls, like literally any color that's not the world's most boring color."

by America Lover ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ August 29, 2019

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Office White

The pale skin color of a lighter skinned individual that rarely gets outside. The individual must: A) have an inside job, and B) be pale.

Milton, you're so office white. We need to get your pasty white ass to the beach as soon as tax season is over.

by MrBigA May 3, 2010

White wall

When someone takes up your entire screen with messages causing their to be a wall of white.

"Yo my bitch just send me a white wall, I gotta deal with this."

"Yo my dad sent me a white wall I think its an emergency"

by The real John Stamos February 22, 2017

White Syndrome

A male or female, that for one reason or another, feels the need to be dating somebody of the opposite or same sex all the time.

oh man, that guy has a bad case of White Syndrome. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and now his going out with another chick

by MC-UbER June 3, 2011

Be less white

Some dumbass employee training in Coca-Cola telling to remove your white skin

Bro, be less white...

by less_white_guy February 26, 2021

white clutter

a step above white trash

"I don't want people to think I'm white trash because I'm like a step above that.... I'm like white clutter."
- Justin McKinney, comedian

by z-dot July 19, 2011

white zeppelin

A phenomenon resulting from anal sex where ejaculate builds up inside the rectum and is shortly followed by a sizable bowel movement. A proper white zeppelin occurs when deposited semen completely coats the outgoing feces, resulting in a smooth and hearty plop within the bowl.

Doctor: I'm glad you are no longer having problems passing those massive turds. Did you heed my advice and become a vegetarian?

Patient: No, I've found that a good WHITE ZEPPELIN works wonders after an all-u-can-eat-meat buffet.

by Sleepwalkazzz January 7, 2011