Jacob is a kind but shy person but he is very tuff and ready to throw down at any time but for good reasons, he helps his friends if needed he's very blunt but a good friend over all
Guy 1:Hay did you here what jacob did
Guy 2: no why happend
Guy 1: he beat the shit out of that one dude because he was picking on a friend of his
Guy 2: he is a guy that u don't mess with man watch out or git 9n his good side or else
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Jacobs are scumbags.
Always puts hoes before bros, spends a fortune on shit clothes, can't drive to save their life.
Never trust Jacob
Was speaking to this guy earlier, seemed a right twat.
What was he called, I might know him?
I dunno but I reckon he's a Jacob.
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A caring person that would look good with a blond that he has known his whole life.
I love that guy Jacob ! Sucks he is taken by that hottie Ella
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A smart ass cool person who always is nice but when he gets Mad you donβt wanna duck with him
Jacob is so ducking cool omg I wanna date him but he already is a couple
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A person who's just like a bear. Although he gets mad very fast and will believe any negative thing someone says about someone he's close to. But he's the most loving and caring and will never let you down.
Omg look that's Jacob styles and he's the best bear there is!!
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Jaco the best cousin anyone could ask for very loving and kind
Jacob is the best
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