Source Code

Noob Hell

When your local Nintendo messageboards are filled with stupid, inane threads posted by people who don't know what they're talking about

Noob Demon 1: I know you will be able to download old games onto the revolution, but where will the games be stored?

Me: On the Revolution noob!

Noob Demom 2:I'm getting worried that the graphics in the Nintendo Revolution won't be as good as the XBOX 360.

Me: It's not about graphics noob, it's about gameplay!

Noob Demon 3: You guys are all such noobs. All you do is sit around making stupid threads.

Me: And all you do is reply to those stupid threads instead of letting them die on their own. Why can't you contribute dope? I'm in Noob Hell.

by Manke Dochae December 1, 2005

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BR Noob

a noob that attempts to kill good people with a battle rifle in the game of halo.
normally they either miss, get gut shots, or a leg shot

player 1: *running along*
Noob: *shoots and misses. then fires again and gets a gut shot*
Player: "whos the BR noob attempting to hit me?!"
Noob: *fires again and misses*
Player 1: *finds the noob after missing the shot* "Boom Head Shot!" *kills noob

by Lord Jackal February 13, 2008

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A beautiful and exceptional person.

Mollie/Molly Davies is a noob

by n00bster neem November 4, 2009

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noob \nลลb\ n. 1 One that lacks skills. 2 One that is new to a particular game or inexperienced with gaming in general. 3 One that has never been to: www.purepwnage.com

1 lol ur such a noob!

2 lol, ur mom is a total noob.

3 go watch www.purepwnage.com u noob

by teh_straterer January 17, 2010

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often newbies on internet are called noob and some noob called it n00b. You can find noob in online forum . Most of noob try to be smart ass and often found of using verbal abuse and words like lol , omg, . The are damn lazy. To hide themself they blame other as noob and they have no reason to blame. Noob also make their own definitions and words . We can also call noob asshole.

Noobs in forum
B: correct your spelling noob
A: this is internet, and i am here in this forum since 2 yrs

B: lol ! we cannot understand you in that spelling

A: So why I am noob
B: You are real idiot
A: why i am noob
B: shut up you son of %#$ , ass hole . &*#

No doubt here b is noob

by Noob Terminator September 9, 2009

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Noob Tube

A tube in which noobs use to devestate their opponents.

Aw dude he just noob tubed me.

by Atlas XII November 3, 2008

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noob salad

a variety of noobs in the same location, who have been owned, or are about to be owned:

different noobs getting slaughtered

you guys are going to be a noob salad

you guys made a pretty good noob salad

by Haijj June 27, 2009

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