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Poon Diving

Noun: Going scoping for girls to do.

I went poon diving with my friend Jamal.

by andersonj November 25, 2008

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The act of covering someone's eyes before showing them your vagina.

Guy 1: "This girl was totally playing a game of Peak-A-Poon with a guy at the bar last night!"

Guy 2: "Who won?"

Guy 1: "It definitely wasn't the next person to sit on that bar stool"

by Param3dic August 9, 2011

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Spoon or Poon?

A question to be asked by friends / family or flatmates in order to ascertain what activities the person in question may have engaged in during a 'sleepover'

(Where the person in question simply spooned their sleepover buddy)
"So friend, spoon or poon?"

"A simple spoon mate"

(Where the person in question 'pooned' i.e shagged their sleepover buddy)

"So friend, spoon or poon?"

"Definitely a poon dude, took a trip to pound town"

by Sam-Aritan March 11, 2010

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Skilled Poon Hunter

Someone who isn’t necessarily better than average looking but still enjoys overwhelming success with the ladies. The attraction is based on charisma, charm and confidence rather than pure physical attractiveness.

Did you see how Gary had all the ladies hanging all over him all night? He’s a skilled poon hunter!

by Chad Apollo February 19, 2021

Poon Tune

Pop, hip-hop, and sometimes rap music that is about a person's unusually strong sex drive. Typically sung by a rich African American who utilizes autotune and excessive bass to forge talent. This music comes in 'generations,' which last about a month and result in 5-6 poon tunes being played constantly on the radio, then are totally forgotten. Also known as "koon tunes."

Song in question is a poon tune if it contains or is about the following words: girl, tonight, shorty (shawwwty), fine, body, bed, <insert sexual body part here>, club, dance, baby, love

by Indomitable798 October 28, 2010

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tune the poon

When a girl or guy rubs their own or the girl's clit.

"Dude, I might not get laid, but I'll tune the poon 'til she's at high C."

by sonofagazelle November 13, 2009

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spoon before poon

the act of cuddling another before completing the performance of a lifetime

Greg: dude, did you shag her last night?
George: naa we did the good old spoon before poon
Greg: classic

by Mr BigG April 29, 2015