When one does something flashy in a videogame and has to make up a word for it on the spot, but refuses to give an explanation for what it means.
Andrew: "Did you see that? That's the copenhagen slap."
Jake: "What does that even mean?"
to achieve the level of intoxication closest to passing out without actually doing so. Speech is slurred and often nonsensical, and motor functions are extremely impaired. If those in question acted responsibly and with dignity, they didn't slap the chimney.
I just finished my last exam lets go buy beers, im going to slap the chimney tonight
A slap that gives you a concussion; knocks you the fuck out into next tuesday or refrigerator..
"Did you see that girl who got The Enzo Slap???"
That thing you slap after pulling a shot of espresso to knock the puck out..
Hey honey, happy birthday, I just bought you a new slap bucket for your coffee corner.
A slap in which a 360 is combined with a cobra strike, aka the raptor slapifaction has proceeded.
Dude, did you see Josh Raptor Slap that dirty ass nigger.
When two dudes get together for sexual activity.
Man-meat mashing.
Hey, Mike, want to slap snakes.
The act of happy slapping a laptop computer when the user becomes angry or annoyed with the laptop's compatability in question. The word lappy is a shortened version of the word laptop, and rhymes with happy, the first word in happy slap- see example below for clearer description...
person 1: Man, if my laptop crashes again, I'm gonna give it a right ol' lappy slap.
person 2: How's that gonna help?
person 1: I dunno... why dont I lappy slap you instead?
person 2: That's happy slap dumbass...
person 1: Shut up...