When you try to capitalize a word but accidentally capitalize the second letter instead. Usually happens on important documents, such as resumes and letters to your mother-in-law.
Business Owner: I'm sorry sir, but we can't accept your resume due to multiple slow shifts in it.
Guy who wanted job: wHat aRe yOu tAlking aBout?
When racist new management comes in and decides to subversively eliminate all POC under the guise of “meeting the current and future needs” of the cOrPoRaTiOn.
“These new leaders tryna slow bleach. It’s a shame that they don’t value diversity of thought and experience.”
Slow insertion of double thumbs into one's partner while speaking sexy phrases in Spanish.
Babygirl, feel my slow potato, "Tienes una sonrisa hermosa."
A specific tortoiseshell cat in Massachusetts, who is particularly slow.
"You can't get in my room, slow potatoes!"
Was written as. Waiting around for everyone to go on a go slow.
Original waiting for definition Tic tok : Was written as. Waiting around for everyone to go on a go slow.
“Fast or slow?” Asks Sara
“Slow.” Answers Jake
“We are over!” Exclaims Sara
an iconic song with basically one lyric
Chris can’t slow whine ugh what a loser