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Space Emperor

someone who has a huge mind complex of being the best there can be, outdoing everyone, and being their own form of supreme being, having enough money to spend on 10 people a month, talking like they own everything, and understanding every tribe of people. Meanwhile having delusions about everything wasting resources left right and center and not giving a shit about poorer people or lesser subhumans.

That guy acts like some evil space emperor, he tries to be darth vader in real life and a copy of Obama

by Kosanavian Emperor June 22, 2014

Parking Space

The spot between and mans genitals and asshole.

This space can sometimes give a man pleasure or an awkward surprise.

Honey I wanna try something new. Can you lick my parking space?

Hey some of buddy’s tried a new thing called the parking space. Wanna try it out later?

by Skepticalnessess November 29, 2019

Space suit

A space suit in when you pass gas in warm clothes and it channels the smell straight to your nose.

I was out playing in the snow and space suited myself! It stunk like sh#@!

by Upir lichy #1 July 9, 2017

a space is a spade

Said when one wishes to imply that two things are similar and dissimilar at the same time.

"It's not called getting knocked up when it's your wife. That's just called getting her pregnant."
"That makes no sense."
"A space is a spade"

by doomboat May 2, 2016

space eyes

The act of being so drunk/wasted that your eyes seem to be floating around, in your head, as if they were lost in space.

Dude, did you see his eyes last night?? He was rocking his space eyes

by Cole World March 1, 2018

Space bae

An extraterrestrial significant other. Can also mean a girlfriend or boyfriend that lives really far away.

Celebrating my first anniversary on video chat tonight with Space Bae.

by mbillings October 26, 2017

space monkies

Back in the day Stalin's ape-man super warriors were supposed to take over the world.
Planet of the Apes style.
Mean-while Britain and other Euro-style countries had already colonized most of it, in very monkey fashion I might add.
What happens if humans start to call themselves scientists and experiment on each other and unsuspecting civilians?
Well, you get a bunch of space monkies with alien-grade technology and all hell breaks loose.

What do you think of project Northwoods?
- space monkies
What do you think of project U2?
- space monkies
What do you think of scientists in Stalinist Russia?
- space monkies
What do you think of scientists in Hitler's Germany?
- space monkies
What do you think of Nagasaki?
- space monkies
What do you think of mk ultra?
- space monkies
What do you think of that idiot with a laser beam?
- space monkey

Well give these people a break!
Wouldn't you just be another space monkey if you got all this technology?

Yes, but I know it.
I don't think these titular scientists and strategists do.

NOTE: not to be confused with the alt rock band from Britain, Space Monkeys

Did you hear the commies had program to mate humans and monkies? Yeah I did, what a bunch of space monkies!

by monkey_in_space April 13, 2021