Usually worn with pink shoelaces, a polka dot vest and a panama with a purple hat band.
Woman: Man, Dooley is rockin those tan shoes.
Similar to black face, the process of a white person painting their face black in order to portray a black person...but for those wanting to be hispanic.
Oh, little Amber, just because you're wearing Tan Face doesn't mean you can make better tacos.
The name that Nic calls Lilli. Lilli is pretty and Nic is barf. Nic is kinda of a dude that wants all the girls till they get boring and finds someone new yup that's it
Lilli:is that Nic??
Callie: yea if I were you i wouldn't trust him
Kalyn: yea me either
Spray tan girl
The most evil race I've come across in my entire life. Backstabbing, drama obsessed, guilt tripping bastards. Not all of them tho
Person 1: You see Sofia over there? She seems pretty upset maybe we should go talk to her.
Person 2: Don't talk to her, shes a Slightly-tanned white girl, I saw her cry over a fucking cupcake.
When someone applies over 100 layers of fake tan and think they look good. When really it’s streaky and black. Then they start to go green
Fake Tan problem is Also known as an Amber!
The tan you get when in Europe for summer. That deep, dark, golden tan only achievable in Europe.
Wow, you’re so tanned, it’s The Euro Tan.