Source Code

Moon Rape

When you get that moon really fucking hard in Super Mario Odyssey.

I Moon raped 30 moons in Mario.

by Nope Snope June 12, 2018

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moon frube

man who snorts cow turf ,hides in a west cork muck hut. and originally came from hymers baron bum shaft

one in the bush is five in the why

by M Barr October 10, 2003

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Second Moon

Virtual store with awesome silks and other sexy clothes on Second Life. Well known by great design and extremely realistic details.

Girl one: I only wear Second Moon.

Girl two: Yeah it is awesome.

by Second girl March 7, 2011

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Moon milk

When you cum in someone's ass and they fart it out.

Yo I hope that girl moon milks all over my peen

by McRybb May 24, 2017

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pulling a moon

to piss and shit your own pants simulaneously.

david went out and had too much to drink last night and ended up pulling a moon

by y-bear September 7, 2010

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Quarter Moon

When you pick at your toe nails when they are long enough to get a peice that looks like a quarter moon.

While I was on the computer, I picked quarter moons til they were all gone.

by Theonly1Vindicator_soquitusing July 19, 2009

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bunny moon

referring to the "rabbit" portrayed in the moon that was believed by the Aztecs to be placed there by the gods

You've heard of the man in the moon, but have you heard of the bunny moon?

by iCoinedThat1199 December 12, 2009

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