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Smartie Tube

The name given to a large boned person whom wears a long coat, typically worn by someone in the drug industry, that doesn't suit them.

Have you seen that person over there? They're a smartie tube.

What time is it? Let's ask that smartie tube over there.

Who's going to the party? Anyone that's not a smartie tube.

by Darkuhole January 9, 2014

Flesh tube shimmy

Sliding into a woman's vagina.

Person 1: Hey bud, you look like you had a fun flesh tube shimmy.
Person 2: You caught me, felt like I was drowning in there.

by Tfyoulookingat July 1, 2021

Tube tickle

When there’s an itchy-tickly feeling in your urethra. Typically dealt with in males by applying pressure to the taint.

Shit. Hey nobody look, I’ve got a tube tickle to fix.

by NiLemonHeadass July 10, 2019

yumyum tube

A strange tube found in Waitrose which contains Flangine and Wange fluid supplies.

Dave; "i found a yumyum tube!"

Nick "Good - I can get even fatter!"

by mongfacedretard May 29, 2007

Light tube

slang for tunnel

Hold your breath until we reach the end of the light tube.

There's a brightness at the end of the light tube.

by cdds2011 November 25, 2011


As in the ‘tube. It refers to YouTube in a lame way.

I’ll do my research on the 'tube!

by Bestof1990 May 11, 2021


In the law enforcement world, tube refers to a shotgun.

1. Grab the tube, man, and let's bag us some turkeys.
2. We were fully loaded for that stakeout; tubes, glocks, and other semis, and lots of leos to carry them.

by WitheredHip April 23, 2017