When something is so crazy, it can't even be described.
"Wow, a cat in the classroom! What the Parker?"
When you wait in line for Szechwan sauce at McDonald's for an hour, but then the employees tell you that they sold out at 5 am.
Employee: "I'm sorry ma'am we sold out of Szechwan sauce this morning."
The unfortunate reality that things are not what they seem to be. The correction of ‘it is what it is’.
As I live longer I reply to people who tell me: ‘It is what it is’; with ‘It is what it ain’t’ because I am not able to deny and therefore imply agreement.
'tri' as in trigganomatry and 'commo' as in the spanish word for what. used when one is confused.
"The cube root of 234987987 is divided by the variable within the radican."
the thing you say when your scrolling though random definitions on the urban dictionary and you see some asshole
saying “why are you looking this up in the urban dictionary anyway? weirdo.”
human: sees a definition that includes “what are you doing looking up dick in here you dick!” what a dumbass *proceeds to airstrike the guys house*