Source Code

Lunar Pull

A variation on Lunar Landing where no penetration is required. An onastic act, culminating with release over a willing moonscape.

Bottoms up lass, time for a Lunar Pull!

by Merry downee April 28, 2024

Pull a Ngoc

Be extremely good and overpowered at the start, then choke at the final parts of the game where it matters most

"She looks strong, but I bet she'll pull a ngoc on this one" - Super21, November 17 2022

by NgocTM March 19, 2023

pull a santy

to steal someone's girl or boy

"Hey bro, do you want to pull a santy right now?"
"Dude it's okay, just pull a santy and you'll get her!"

by Moonzy November 25, 2024

Pull an Eddie

The act of relocating to a different area of a residential area to avoid interaction with other members of the residence.

I'm going to pull an eddie so that nobody can hear me talk to you.

by eddiekart June 17, 2020

Pulling a Tee Time

It’s when you are all alone and you sit on your tile floor naked with a golf ball in hand. You spread your butt cheeks apart and place the golf ball directly on your ass hole. You then roll forward and back all the time masterbating. Till you cum and you yell Four! As you climax.

I thought everyone was at church till my mom came out of her room and caught me “Pulling a Tee Time”.

by Calm in sense January 31, 2024

Pulled a Will

To become so excited over a situation, object or person that you cum in your pants

I almost pulled a will over that chick.

He hella pulled a will over that

by M89D May 2, 2009

pulling an aaryn

Bringing up random white men into a conversation that did not need them

Person 1: “OMG did you hear Sammy yesterday barging in talking about Henry Cavill AGAIN?”
Person 2: “Oh I KNOW! she just could’nt stop pulling an aaryn.”

by dont even mention it xoxo June 20, 2023