The anniversary of the date on which a Chinese child was adopted by an overseas family
Please join our family next Thursday in celebration of Emma's Chinese baby day
A person(most likely a femanist) who crys like a bitch over abortion getting banned.
Baby obliteraters are too stupid to realize only a fraction of the people who support abortion actually have a good reason for it.
A type of white fever where they want a sperm donor who will not charge them and actually pay for their stuff as part of a romance scam before dumping him later. A half-white kid is a status symbol in some places and then they can casually discard the man once they've made the baby or babies. They prefer men who would never donate their seed for quality reasons, a type of spermjacking and sexual fraud. The flip and bounce abroad or Back Home with the baby. He never sees it again or if they're forced to stay for legal reasons, she will raise it to hate him as an oppressor or something.
"Did you hear what happened to Jack? His new Thai wife ran off with his son, turns out she never really wanted him it was an Operation Half White Baby situation. She's showing off the kid on social media and acting like he never existed."
Two 6 year olds breaking up because of a misunderstanding caused by a barbie comb.
baby rich is underated asf and a walking W for being nice 2 adin ross
(person 2) baby rich
An individual either conceived or birthed inside of a porta potty
Melvin has no manners; he must be a porta potty baby
A newly deflowered person who still has very little understanding about how to pleasure a weiner
Alisa just sucked her first dick, a brand new weiner baby is born.