only to be used when someone is being a total ass and you want to sound like a dumb loser who can not come up with a better insult
you are being a shit headed butt face because you did not invite me to your birthday party
Use this word when you have a concern for your safety
I don't want to be murdered in the face while visiting Tacoma Wa
Someone might murder me in the face, while I am in Seattle Wa
After starting fillers and Botox I’ll be forever chasing my own face to the grave !
I’ll be forever chasing my own face to the grave after using fillers and Botox
I’m Chasing my face to the grave now
Refers to the face someone makes when they are pouting about something
“Why are you all booty faced for right now?”
“Girl, if you don’t lose that booty face in the next 3 seconds you’re gonna get smacked!”
A face that The character Steve makes from the Children Nickelodeon show refered to as 'Blues Clues' has a episode in which Steven Rides up a Inmationated Elavator in which is completely fake and that nigga Be on Crack in which he has a face if hes staring at god in a creepy kind of way.
Have you seen that nigga MOAR KRABS he has a Steve-Face on him.
Also known as M.B.F. , Masked Bitch Face is when you look like you are in a pissy mood or pissed off despite smiling brightly due to your mask hiding your smile.
Guy: Damn girl I was only saying you look cute!
Girl: Sorry, this surgical mask gives me masked bitch face every time I smile...
A face or pose that's a person always make when they take a pic or when they have their pic taken