When someone goes to a busy place and tries to find a person/persons to hook up with (usually involves “wing-men”, “wing-woman” or “wing-person”)
Now that Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are both single and in LA, perhaps they’ll go on a pull together
When you’re so shook you start shaking and lose all common sense
I pulled a moni when i met gunnar
lying, not answering texts/calls, pissing someone off, making up fake stories
person 1: what are you doing tonight?
person 2 :going to my grandmas.
person 1: nigga your pulling ham. I know your going to that party.
Someone who deserves an award after many many good attempts but still doesn’t win the award. Leo should’ve won an Oscar at least 20 years ago smh
Person 1: did you watch Jimmy’s performance at the talent show?
Person 2: yeah. It’s a shame he didn’t win the first place
Person 1: yeah. That happened last year too. They’re Pulling a Leonardo DiCaprio
When you kidnap the most ghetto thug from America to Mexico and hold him hostage for 2 years straight for no reason and give him a bogus ass spic punishment for no reason and then take credit for all the dead bodies he left behind in Mexico after his visit because you feared Mexico's reputation of how many dead spics were left cuz it made you look retarded and made it look like you had no idea what you were doing.
person 1: OH GOD LOOK AT ALL OUR PPL! THEYRE DEAD! We shouldnt have fucked with that ghetto ass American!
Person2: Oh shit now everybody knows how weak we really are.
Person 1: Not if we take credit for it.
Me: Thats what I call pulling a hispanic cartel.
El chapo guzman: I agree, us mexican spics are the weakest race :( .
A Ginger leaving calls and other social interactions without saying anything, or spacing out for long periods of time randomly
That Ginger left the call, he Really is pulling a Braden
To always make an ass of oneself in one way or another usually resulting in punishment or general ostracization.
Thomas continues to pull a dougherty every day by showing up to work late, out of uniform with the smell of alcohol on his breath.