A skid mark head is when your head is really deformed and premature. Some examples of people who have a skid mark head are: Jason Vorhees,Characters from wrong turn or hills have eyes.
"Have u seen Berry. He has such a skid mark head."
When a person (preferably female) puts icy hot on their lips and immediately goes to give you dome.
Jimmy: Ay yo Timmy, Jessie gave me that Icy Head in the car last night
Timmy: Ouch that must hurt
A three-some where: person #1 is performing oral on person #2 while having sex with person number #3 , while the #3 is licking the rectum of person #2 simultaneously with #1 doing oral.
Person #2 talking to his brother: man, Sidney and Oliver played me like a double headed dragon last night!
Brother: oh yeah?!
Person #2: yeah man, my bed was a literal slip and slide and my knees didn't work for hours after!
Polite way to call someone a dumb mf
Credits to Cow Daddy
That guys a dingle headed doodle bop
Nice way to say dumb mfer.
Credits to Cow-Daddy.
He/She is being a dingle headed doodle bop
A person over 60 years old or a person with white hair
That speckle head thinks he knows more than I do.
A devious act, most comparable to a wet form of Czechoslovakian Door-Knob. It can be performed on any person large or small, however the practitioner should wear rubber soled shoes for safety such as crocs.
Last night I slipped while attempting a Bulgarian Shower Head resulting in the old bird losing a spleen.