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scout the dog

the best dog ever. they are really sweet and will let u pet them. they are overall really sweet and mans best friend

omg look how cuts scout the dog is

by rarararatata June 11, 2023

Scout the dog

The ugliest dog you will ever see in your life. If you see this dog, don't touch it because if it is named Scout then it's hair is nasty. Greasy and Hard fur.

Hey, that kid has a dog like Scout the dog.

by LegendaryKing1243582 May 27, 2021

urban guard dog


These urban guard dogs are great at alerting us to mischief on the block, and are pretty too.

by catfacedchuckles March 14, 2015

all dogged up

Wearing stylish and fancy clothing, having dressed up.

Part one of the wind up was in place. Part two required that we should prepare him to win her heart and be there to witness his attempt. The following afternoon we had him all dogged up in borrowed gear.

by Delbosco November 13, 2021

Alpha Dogging

when someone does that fake jump thing

Melodie likes to intimidate people by Alpha Dogging

by notmelodie February 18, 2021

Like a dog in't wind

It's really just a load of bollocks..

I'm like a dog in't wind...

by danmk6 November 23, 2021

sheep dogged

when you are cornered and out numbers by males against your will

tim: yeah, she texted me and completly sheep dogged me..
Sarah:you took it like a little bitch didn't you

by Mr. edweena November 4, 2013