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A person who thinks he's hot but he's really gay. Ever girl loves him but he wants to be gay

This kids a Ryan I'll never date him

by Jutterback39 October 28, 2014

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piece of shit that takes people's sandwiches

fuck ryan

he stole my sandwich

by autistic rape victim January 19, 2017

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Ryan is a person who is usually depressed he usually hates himself and has very low self confidence. He is really ugly and can't catch a girl.

Ryan or Brian no one can usually tell.

by Hi my name is depression November 27, 2018

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A gay man who love to receive dick instead of giving dick

Ryan, James, and Chris all did Ryan

by Jimmybobjoe102038473887439 November 9, 2018

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A real retard can really be a pain in the but.

Dang hes a real special boy
Ryani is very retarted

by Dogethedude August 12, 2018

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Such a fucking bitch! A Ryan is very miss leading and a totally scrub, stay away from ALL Ryan’s.

β€œDid u talk to Ryan yesterday β€œ
β€œYeah, he is so rude”

by Tctx Guffyctctct May 7, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Thicc as fuck big boy dick and large ass booty. and usually openly gay. Loves men and large thick bulgy dick.

you being such a ryan right now

by CoochieSlayer69429 March 2, 2019

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