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hot and cold running blowjobs

n. The greatest thing that can possibly be imagined. The pinnacle or ideal.

The customer keeps asking for more and more features in our product. Pretty soon they'll be asking for hot and cold running blowjobs!

by SkidMarkyMark August 11, 2006

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National Blowjob Day

April 12 is national blowjob day

Oh it's April 12 I'm going to give him a blowjob because it's national blowjob day

by blowjobmaster 23 April 11, 2019

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National blowjob day

National Blowjob Day
Support your man for everything she has done for you on National Blow Job day occurs on January 18th. You give your man a nice blowjob with much love.

"Yo how's your june 9"

"Good since I got head from my girlfrined for national blowjob day"

by Beronica johnstein January 18, 2020

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should have been a blowjob

A person whose existence is the very point of annoyance for most (read: all) who surround him/her. Synonym: douchebag

Joe: Yeah, this kid Sam, he totally busted into the party un-invited and then cut me in line for beer pong. I was like, WTF, dude?
Tom: Yeah, dude, I know that kid. What a waste of human matter. Yeah, that kid should have been a blowjob.

by Elizabeth LB December 13, 2006

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farting while getting a blowjob

Poughkeepsie inhaler: defined as when your girl is going down on you... you fart on her face!

Most effective when your girl is giving you a blowjob and licking your balls, you ask her to open her mouth wide and... you push it out forcefully. Just make sure you take cover immediately upon letting it rip. You can't beat the pure pleasure of farting while getting a blowjob!

by Cookie the Dog whisperer September 21, 2013

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Monochrome Blowjob

To get a blowjob from two girls. One wearing black lipstick and the other wearing white. After recieving the blowjobs,
the lipstick rubs off on the penis. It now looks monochrome; Black, White, and Grey

Dude1: Man i got a monochrome blowjob last night and i thought i was in an old picture.

Dude2: Shweet

by Halleeman June 19, 2009

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Bad Blowjob Barb (BBJB)

When a female gives a blowjob and uses far too much teeth until the ejaculate is mixed with blood.

"Did you see Clay walkin weird the other day?"
"I heard Bad Blowjob Barb (BBJB) got to him."

by Gonzo Beast February 5, 2010

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