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the boat has passed

the opportunity has gone by

when people drop out of architecture and want to come back 2 months later, "the boat has passed"

by gluescrews October 15, 2013

Buddah Boat

A big sexy man who loves the bum!

hes such a sexy buddahboat do u think he likes it up the marmite motorway?

by fjl88 October 11, 2004

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invisible boat mobile

The vehicle in which Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy drive in the Nick show, Spongebob SquarePants.

Barnacle Boy: Aw, tarter sauce. Where did we park the invisible boat mobile?
Mermaid Man: Right over here, I though...
Barnacle Boy: Nope, I can't find- *BAM* ...found it.
Mermaid Man: You walked into it again, didn't you?
Barnacle Boy: *grumble.*

by SmalLiberty June 25, 2008

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little man in the boat

slang for clitoris... a little man sailing the big vagina sea

Then I went to pay my respects to the little man in the boat, and her moans became shorter, higher pitched.

by Chris Bonin April 13, 2003

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glass bottom boat

A sexual act in which the customer lays under a glass coffeetable and looks up through it, while their partner defecates on the top. How some people find this stimulating I'll never know.

Also can refer to the same positioning with a coffee table but the person on top merely presses their genitals onto the glass, for "squashed" visual effect - or can refer to defecating onto someone's face which has been first covered in plastic kitchen wrap like Saran Wrap.

Your grandfather got arrested in Thailand again after paying an underage transvestite hooker for some glass bottom boat action.

by Frank667788 August 21, 2006

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boats v submarines

A game commonly played in the UK for it's extreme banter and social skills
There are 2 ways to play this game, solo or duo.

Solo play;
The player fills the bathtub up to the brim with water and shits in the bath tub and has to decide whether it's going to be a boat or a submarine. If you choose to vote for the boat you think that it will be a floater, if you choose submarine it will explore the deep underwater mysteries of your bath tub. If you guess incorrectly of whether it's going to sink or swim you have to lay in the bath till said boat/submarine disolves.

Duo play;
Two players both sit on the brim of the bath whilst the bath is fulled with water, both players drop their load into the bath and decide whether it's going to be a boat or a submarine. If chosen incorrectly the player that guessed incorrectly puts on their scuba diving gear and gets ready to discover some treasures.

Man we played Boats v Submarines last night, I lost and got coated in shit.

by Zilyanasass March 11, 2014

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boat washed

It means a guy got lucky, or had sex.

I got my boat washed last night.

by wonder24boy January 4, 2007

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