Well used lady parts, named so owing to crusty, dried man batter clinging to the beef curtains.
I was going to go down on her, but it was such a crusty bin I couldn't bring myself to.
A mean or annoying person that should leave everyone alone
Person : hey look at that annoying person
Person 2: oh ya he’s a crusty tooty
When you jack off onto your carpet
“Hey i use crusty carpet what about you “
A male fallice that has so much cheese on and is dried up it could be a block of Wensleydale from Tesco.
Git up with ya crusty cobbler chor
Crusty nails is what you have!!
She got crusty nails they funky
The reason why we use condums. Also the result of fatherlessness. These kids are retarded to say the least. They are a different breed of human who live their iPads because they're parents are fucking terrible and only bought them the iPad so they don’t have to socialize with their kids. They usually are 500 FUCKING POUNDS OVERWEIGHT AND THRIE TANTRUMS WHEN THEY CAN BRAIN ROY THEMSELVES WITH THE FUCKING RETARED AND DEAD LAND OF YOUTUBE SHORTS. they are setup for failure in every way and will most definitely will not enjoy the world of “outside” if they are exposed to the great outdoors, they WILL HAVE THE MOST EXPLOSIVE FUCKING TEMPERTANTRUM KNOWN TO MAN. PLEASE SOMEONE KILL ALL OF THESE FUCKING TARDS.
Look dude, theres Crusty iPad kids!
It would be fucking hilarious if we took the iPad from it, I wanna see the tantrum it would have,
Touching it might not be a good idea because it has fucking diseases on it
6👍 2👎
that one guy in the back of the class who's hair looks like a bird nest and always has sweaty ass hands
girl 1: that guy in the back of the class just called me a slut
girl 2: dw hes a crusty musty dusty sewer rat