My handwriting and English skills
I only know English and even then my grammar is a dumpster fire
Dumpster fire is the main reason why we come to streams. That's it.
Okay... this stream is a total dumpster fire.
I like watching this dumpster fire!
I'm gonna create a dumpster fire.
It's bad enough that I live in Detroit, but now I gotta drive through the worlds biggest fucking dumpster fire just to get to Syracuse of all places.
Building a house with Espire
My family built a house with espire and everything that could go wrong did. Daryl’s office is a dumpster fire, nobody has a clue what they are doing and blame their customers for their mistakes.
Breath that smells like rotting garbage, like Craig and Syd have, from years of digging through dumpsters for 'treasures' like old computer parts and partially-empty beer cans.
Syd's dumpster breath will make you want to vomit if you get close enough.
The smell of breath that reminds the olfactory senses of aged putrid garbage remaining at the bottom of a dumpster
My dog Tucker has the worst eye-watering Dumpster Breath.
When she lives in a literal dumpster, but you smash anyway. WET
MCBootyFresh loves Dumpster Pussy