The Source Engine is a game engine made by Valve. The Source Engine is the engine known for the tech called bunnyhop
aka bhop which is a way of jumping to gain speed.
"Mike Hawk" - Bro what does source engine mean?
"Tes Tickles" - It is a game engine that you go boing boing in.
Word that denotes Hiv+ person who is going around sleeping with others without telling them that they are infected.
Did you hear that Leah has been sleeping with Trent? Yeah you know i heard that she has that Red engine and refuses to let her partners know about it.
Relys on vessel wiper to do the majority of the work. Doesn't cook doesn't clean just complains
Kenny is such a Vessel engineer
Relys on the vessel wiper to do the work, doesn't cook doesn't clean just eats and bitches about dumb shit
Kenny is such a vessel engineer
Searching for the best company to structural BIM services in Dubai? #Skytreeconsulting - engineers specialized in BIM Architectural services, BIM structural services, MEP services, 4D/5D simulation services, Rebar Fabrication services, Clash detection, Quantities evaluation, Structural / Load Analysis, and more
Structural Engineering Consulting Services in Dubai – Skytreeconsulting is the Bangalore based leading structural designing company specialized in Building Information Modeling (BIM) consulting, 3D Modeling, industrial structural designing, CAD services, Architectural Services, Civil Information Modelling, and more. We are offering services in Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, UK, UAE, and India. Contact us immediately to get reliable and affordable building information modeling. Check our portfolio to know more information. Get in touch with our structural engineering consultants for all your building structural design needs.
The act of enjoying a vagina either during sex or masturbation.
That was pure enginement right there!
"If you leave your vehicle's engine running during a delay in proceeding (traffic-jam, road construction, accident-resolution, "stuck" red signal-light, etc.), you will be sitting there for many minutes, just wasting gas. The instant you turn the key off and climb out of your seat to stretch, however, THAT'S when the line of traffic will begin moving again, and thus you will have shut off your engine "for nothing", AND you will now be holding up everyone behind you while you hastily hop back into the driver's seat and re-start the engine so that you can move forward again."
I finally took da plunge and bought a second-hand Toyota Prius because I'd eventually had one too many cases of Murphy's Law of Engine-Idling Duration... the Prius automatically shuts down its power during stand-stills, and then uses its electric motor to provide instant mobility as soon as you're ready to go again.