Outta Hand: When someone does something weird, out of the ordinary, or thinks there in the yeshiva league but there not that can be outta hand.
Pomo: Dude im so cool my jawline bro I'm in the yeshiva league; tiyo- you are so non in the yeshiva league (displays hand motion),,, thats outta hand.
Besty: "my tabc boys will mess u up bro"- that is outta hand.
MRS Steiner- she is outta hand
The skin between your thumb and pointer finger is your hand crotch.
My hand crotch is hurting so bad!
Similar to a "Hand Cannon." A "Hand Shannon" is a slapping move made when a boy does not do as he's told.
Man 1: "Why did you leave the Destiny game last night?"
Man 2: "I didn't do the dishes while my girl was gone, got a nice Hand Shannon last night."
Hands that can't do anything correctly. Infomercial Hands can't strain a pot of pasta or screw in a lightbulb or push buttons on a phone, so they require the purchase of a new fangled item that will come to the rescue.
Scott: What's with that guy? Why can't he tie his shoes?
Peter: He's suffering from Infomercial Hands. He clearly needs ShoeTie™.
When you do things with both your hands.(also known to sane people as ambidextrous)
Kayla is bof handed, she caught the balls with bof her hands.
Me and Mike are best hands.
kinda like best friends but a hiccup in sentence structure.
Another way to say, "beat down" or "ass whipped".
He got into a fight and really got it handed to him.