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business hipster

A person who over values businesses that go against mainstream trends, thought and opinion. See also: Jon Passmore.

You prefer graphene businesses to tried-and-tested engineering businesses? You're such a business hipster.

by fxrge April 26, 2022

Hipster Fishing

The sport originating in Northest Minneapolis where a dollar is baited to a fishing pole and placed in a public location. The fishers sit discretely nearby watching their bobber. The desired species of fish in this sport is the hipster fish, common to the area. When a hipster fish is onto the bait, the dollar is reeled in, causing the fish to further pursue the bait. The more attempts of the hipster taking the bait, the better. Beer is commonly consumed to pass the time.

Now that the snow is gone, it is prime hipster fishing season.

by limitlust August 3, 2014

wackass hipster

the skinny jean latte sipping crowd that thrives on student loans and mommy and daddies assistance well into their 20s...

also closet cokeheads that are all knowing... tattoos and piercing are optional for the usual wackass hipster

a good example of "wackass hipster" s are kids at luckybar in victoria BC and people that are proffessional students in their late 20s early 30s

people with absolutley no real direction, goals or substance with an overabundant feeling of entitlement and importance

by libertas22 June 29, 2012

bougie hipster

(N). A high-end hipster whose lifestyle entails $6 kombuchas, fair-trade hemp lattes, glorified grunge via All Saints and/or Urban Outfitters apparel, and usually implicates them in some sort of start-up, gallery, or filmmaking profession.

All the bougie hipsters have taken over Williamsburg and made it too trendy and expensive. All the real hipsters have moved to Bushwick.

by namastebitches September 20, 2014

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Mexican Hipster

A Californian who understands the other side. His/Her parents own a broken down beetle or microbus. Knows all the lyrics to Jimi Hendrix songs and hangs bootleg Janis Joplin posters. Understands that without bats we cannot have tequila, therefore traces migratory patterns of flying mammals to sustain a party life. Guy, Has a big mustache and a lazy comb-over. Girl, is simply a Fresa. Both ingest flax seed and chia seeds because it gives supernatural Aztec Powers. Prominent in K-Town, Sac-Town, the Bay Area and GDL. Most likely will become a mayor or councilmember altough claims to be 'Punk-Rock for Life' Homes!

Jenner: Bromio, do you remember where I left my fixie?

Ronnie: Broseph, you dropped it at the Mexican Hipster's pad because he was going to swap your bottom bracket.
Jenner: Oh yea, I forget shit when I'm sober.
Ronnie: That's hella truism! Yo, should we pick up some PBRs and go pick up your bike?

Jenner: Sounds like Bromance bro, let's do that. I bet the Mexican will grill up some oraganic shit.

by bootโ€ขtuckโ€ขchuck August 22, 2015

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ethics hipster

An ethics hipster is a tool who pretends to salute the idea of free expression, but will happily try to censor you if your expression runs counter to their rigid, narrow and wholly predictable assumptions about life.

You seen that fat ugly dyke Lena Dunham? She's an ethics hipster.

by bigwoody7623 August 7, 2017

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Hipster Doodle

Intentionally poor handwritten type, or child like drawings, spawned from the ironic, high-brow and self important counter culture referred to as 'the hipsters'. Predictably used for t-shirt art, album covers of indy bands, quirky movies and TV-shows

The handwritten type used for the movie "Where the wild things are", "Juno" etc.

The child-like or intentionally poor drawings used for bands like "Radiohead", "Animal Collective" etc.

Its all hipster doodle.

by Lap Flounder June 27, 2011

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