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Real Satan Hours

1. The time of day around 7:06 pm (6:66 pm) and 3:30 am when you can call upon the spirits or worship any evil being of your belief (Satan, Cthulhu, the Kraken, etc.)
2. You can also curse in any christian server when it is the real Satan hours

Johnathan: Hey, so do we start the ritual now?
Josh: No man, it is 6:00, wait six more minutes so that the real Satan hours could officially start.

Kenneth: Why the frik did that creeper steal my diamonds?
Josh: Hey!! No CUrsIng In mY ChrisTIan SerVeR!!
Kenneth: but it's 7:08, It is the Real Satan Hours.
Josh: Darn

by scarez_was_here October 4, 2017

9👍 8👎

Horny nigga hours

When a nigga is horny can happen at any time

Every time I close my eyes I wake up feeling so horny
Song example of horny nigga hours 🤷 ♂️

by Blxckmxn._ February 19, 2022

Sed pird hours

A time from 22:00 till 00:00 when Marija, Aleks, Nensi and Benjamin do sad shit together

Why weren’t you at sed pird hours last night

by Hellbeast September 17, 2019

Banter Hours MK2

You thought banter hours MK1 was insane? Boy oh boy you're wrong. The target, codename Z.A.C.C has been utterly destroyed. Decimated. Obliterated. Every aspect of his being, every fiber of his body has been burnt to a crisp. The most vicious roast session of discord occured. Words cannot describe how deep BH MK2 struck. It was so severe that it puts MW2 lobbies to shame

Sargent, its time to fire Banter Hours MK2

by IssaMysteryy June 19, 2019

Real Tomato Hours

The counter to real sadboy hours. to start, put a tomato in a boiling pot of water and do stupid shit until the tomato melts, like snorting garlic powder.
this is effective at parties that last until 5 am.

"are you boiling a tomato?"
"wait, its real tomato hours"
*chugs a gallon of vinegar*

by TheWordManDan November 10, 2018

masturbation rush hour

The time where no one is home and someone is coming home and your masturbating

Jim was having a good time during masturbation rush hour right before his family came home

by u lose May 10, 2015

Family Nigga Hours

Family Nigga Hours rolls around during Thanksgiving, this is where you better respect yo fam

Yo! Uncle Jared, its Family Nigga Hours

by MoonRise177013 November 29, 2017