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Johnny Nona

He is the gayest man on earth he slept with men such as Grayson

Johnny Nona is gay. He had sex with garyson

by Jaden Gui: Village leader July 28, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Johnny Carson

When a mustached man (or women) goes down on a girl and their lush mustache tickles the girls vagina ever so slightly. The girl should make a purring noise.

Mustached Man: OMG! tickle tickle tickle young one
Young One: purrrrr
Mustached Man: I love your firm boobies HAHAHAHA silly women

by Mike H a.k.a AsIaN bLaZer February 16, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

Johnny Bravo

A funny looking ape handed cartoon character who has the tendancy to wear white sunglasses to impress tail, while seeming like a large pawed ass ass pirate he has likeable qualities such as his wanting to seem in control of situations, he often controls doorways and this causes his balls to swell cutting off circulation to his penis, this results in a brief case of elephantitis and purple discoloration of the penis, it can be compared to when the hulk gets mad and turns into a monster

Did you see Johnny Bravo at the door last night his balls got so big no one could get in or out of the bar until Mr. clean came to rub his discolored purple penis

by buttinz March 7, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

Johnny man

A Johnny man refers a white male of Anglo-Saxon stock from Western Europe and North America. Due to fact that every 8/10 white guy you meet his name either starts or ends with John, so the word Johnny Man was created.

Hey Johnny Man do you think eminem is the best rapper ever?

by Gorilla Big Mac June 12, 2008

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A type of haircut worn by treaty kids named Johnny
also known as Surfer cut or Bowl cut

"johnny look at your haircut, its a surfer cut, no a bowl cut. its a Johnny-Cut"

by CookieStuff March 20, 2006

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to pull a johnny

1. verb. to have a wardrobe consisting of only jersey. thus, making one a jersey whore
2. verb. to be desperate for girls. one would go as far as violating the golden rule of "bros before hoes" in order to get girls.

Ex.1: "Hey didnt you wear that james jersey yesterday?"
"Noo. its another one"
"HOLY. you just pulled a johnny"

Ex.2: "o man that guy just pulled a johnny. what a pimp. what a BSER"

by gangsterworldwide April 23, 2005

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Johnny Appleseed

The quantitative mixture of malt liquor, bagged/boxed crisp white wine. This lovely cocktail is crisp and refreshing, while providing you with the alcohol percentage you need to have a fun filled evening.

Dude i was drinking some Johnny Appleseed and shared it with this chick, she became my wife after!

by foodknowledge February 2, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž