Source Code

knuckle dime

When stupid drunk AZN's fall off their bunk beds.

Blanket knuckle dimed after getting party boyed.

by Crazy R May 11, 2004

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Referring to a person who performs various acts with their hands on a penis

That girl there has some serious dick-knuckles, she'll jerk you 10 ways to Sunday

by pollock1 September 22, 2010

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knuckle fuck

its not punching, its when you fuck someone hard in the face....with your knuckles

johnny t-bagged my roommate and then left with the pizza so when he came back looking to borrow some money, i knuckle fucked the shit out of his face

by diego delavega July 1, 2006

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brass knuckles

1)fuck a girl
2)pull out
3)jerk it
4)let your cum drip down your knuckles
5)punch the girl in the face

girlfriends brother talking to husband-"yo nigga! whys my sisters face all bruised and bloody???"

husband-"oh that...yeah i gave her the brass knuckles last night."

by thebigblackjudge August 19, 2010

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Camel Knuckle

Man's version of a Camel Toe.

Hey, look at dude in the speedo.....Wow hes got some nasty camel knuckle!

by Renee87 May 25, 2011

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giving the knuckles

During a television broadcast of a movie, when a character tries to display the middle finger, the finger is cutoff because of censorship. This results in what appears to be the character showing his/her knuckles only. Considered an insult in many parts of a certain part of a certain place of certain countries. Also known as giving knuckles or showing the knuckles.

When watching 8 Mile on VH1, Eminem can be seen giving the knuckles numerous times throughout the movie.

Person 1: Yo, homeboy juss' foun' out dat hims friend was dippin' in him's mayonnaise!
Person 2: Oh snap, he juss' gave him knuckles!
Person 1: Yeah, I would too if someone was dippin' in mah mayonnaise. Bish, gitcho' own damn mayonnaise!

by Uber-meating Logbuster April 17, 2008

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Mud Knuckle

The Anus

Your Mud Knuckle smells.

by Gulies January 25, 2009

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