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Jo MaMa

Jo MaMa is a way of roasting sum1 very bad and making them poop themselves

Jo MaMa so fat lolololo

by Jo MaMa's DaDa October 8, 2019

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stinky mama

a girl hus abit slaggy usally with a afro nd with a tan but not always nd sometimes paint moles above their lips

u r such a stinky mama!

by wierdoperson April 25, 2009

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Joe mama

That bruh moment when joe is joe mama and not the kid who shit himself in the shower

Hey bro did you hear what happened to Joe?
Nah man, whoโ€™s joe
Joe mama! (Laughter)
Bruh moment

by Shagmeister2000 October 22, 2019

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by Whos joe? November 1, 2019

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poochie mama

A former hoochie mama who has let herself go and grown herself a pooch belly either by having a litter of children or over eating thus earning the title of 'poochie mama'. A large, less than desirable, extra large belly on what once was a fine ass hoochie mama.

One who wears clothes two sizes too small thinking she is still hot. example being... "Look at that POOCHIE MAMA wearin' dat trashy ass shit!"

by Club Rob February 27, 2010

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dodo mama

its when some one calls another person retarded, or weird, dumb.

ewww, did you see cynthia?? ugh, she is a major dodo mama!! haha

by emmyy3 September 29, 2010

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bahama mama

A sausage made by the Schmidt's family Sausage Haus in Columbus, Ohio. The Bahama Mama is advertised as being a spicy smoked sausage, they even have a Mild Mama for those who can't handle the heat of the Bahama Mama.

Only, the Bahama Mama is one of the most tasteless bland food products that you could ever have the misfortune of eating.

Schmidt's offering a "less" spicy version (the Mild Mama) of the Bahama Mama is like offing a less alcoholic version of bottled spring water.

That fat, buck-toothed, nappy headed ho is about as hot as a Bahama Mama.

by Dublinsaab February 26, 2008

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