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veteran noob

a person that is a noob that quit the game than comes back to a game.

did you hear that bobtheknight is back? Ya, he is a veteran noob.

by Christian Piedra February 11, 2009

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Noob Tuber

When someone in COD MW 1,2,or 3 continually kills people with the grenade launcher only.

"That noob tuber took my kill!!!"

by supawesomecodman December 31, 2011

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super noob

A person that is almost pitiful at gaming. They are easy pray for computer nerds and have trouble beating other noobs.

U pwned the noob. BFD.

by Pimparoo the ghetto elf April 29, 2005

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Noob Tube

Name given to players who launchs an M203 Grenade Launcher in Modern Warfare 1 and 2 because they can't get normal kills with bullets. Person who also abuses it like any other guns.

That Fucking noob is using Scavanger with a Noob Tube?!?!?!? OMG!!!!

by Finalninja447 January 21, 2010

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noob combo

the noob combo in halo 2 that is widely used by newbies and elite players alike...usually better players use it because they are losing, but the truth is that everyone uses it. and if u are truly good at halo 2, u can beat the combo.

my teammate: "damn noobs with that damn noob combo! I hate them!"
me: "dude, u had the combo too, dipshit"

by PrivatePoopsick March 21, 2006

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noob combo

the combination of a plasma pistol, followed by a secondary BR. God damn it you people suck.

Gamer1(blue team), "dude, i just died and all i saw was a green splodge on my screen!"
Gamer2(red team), "ha, you just got pwned"
Gamer3(blue team), "that's weak man, you are using a noob combo you noob/noob whore!"

by me34 June 6, 2007

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Def Noob

someone on runescape who sucks cause there defence is to high such as angelpwner

someone whos defence level is to high example angelpwner/mac person 1 says "yo angelpwner blows" person 2 says "ya hes a deffy" the word def noob is from the latin orgin

by Twink lover3 July 11, 2008

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