A regular ass, BASIC ass, bitch.
You trying to treat me like one of these rooster neck ass hoes Trey
The fruit of the neck, as in the head. Used specifically to refer to receiving oral sex.
"Man, I gotta get me some neck fruit tonight."
To get your face shaven at an traditional Barber Shop, always done with a razor knife.
Before I go to Court I better get my neck cut, and find a tie.
When the back of an individuals neck, usually a FAT MAN, looks like a pack of Oscar Meyer Weiners.
Look at the wiener neck on that guy, looks like he's hiding a pack of Oscar Meyer Wieners on the back of his neck.
When your girl gets mad and spit lemons juice on your dick when she’s giving you head
I yelled at Marie during dinner and she gave me lemon neck as revenge
A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.
I love coffee, I'm a coffee neck. I drink it every day.
Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a coffee neck, just kidding.
When, after eating sweetcorn, you turn and check the turd in the bowl and see that it has sweetcorn spotted in the shit. It's long and quite thick and looks just like a Giraffe's Neck.
"Wow! Check out my turd Angelique - it looks just like a Giraffe's Neck!"
...."Did you have tuna and sweetcorn today Francois?"