A term someone would use to refer to the fictional character called All for One from the anime series My Hero Academia/Boku no hero academia if they find him attractive; sexy; hot
"I want Dilf for One to stuff me full of quirks until i explode" "All for One more like Dilf for One" "Dilf for One supremacy"
Where you cannot take it anymore so you merge with mother Earth. Very cool.
Person 1: Fuck this im out.
Person 2 : Where are u going?
Person 1: im gonna be one with the dirt
*magically gets merges with dirt*
Person 2: what in the actual fuc-
I'm not the one you wanna play with
I'm not the one to mess with
I'm not the one who fuck with
Don't confuse me for someone else
Someone mistakes u for the neighborhood druggie and says..
Yo Junkie!
person would respond
Hey man, I'm not the one homie"
First day of school and bullies pick on new kid. New kid would say "try me, I'm not the onle"
A fucking hell hole of a discord server, ran by killjoy (she is addacted to cereal) and a shitty admin that enforces the shit out of rules, no one likes him btw.
Ever heard of *that one server*?
When a programmer is able to accomplish something in one line of code.
"Hey, can you help out with this blackjack program I'm writing?"
"Sure dude, it's like one line of code"
"There's no way you can be one linin' this one"
A type of Corsair computer which is really small but happens to have really good specs for the size. It is typically 1/2-1/4 the size of a normal pc
"Wow! that Corsair is really good"
"It must be hard for them to put all those parts into a Corsair One casing!"
Tortilla chips (more than 3) stuck together after being fried often found in a bowl of chips at a Mexican restaurant. Eaten as one chip with a loud crunch.
I really should watch how many chips I eat but this counts as one chip.