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deep vibration

The sexual act of a man receiving a blow job and a vibrator in the ass at the same time.

-Hey baby, since you watched The Notebook with me, how about I pay you back with a BJ?

-Make it a deep vibration and we're in business!

by Rankela July 3, 2009

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Knee Deep

A two word phrase used by men to define the amount of pussy they have had.

The time frame for this phrase has to refer to the recent past, say two weeks.

Johns asks Matt: "Gotten laid recently?" In which Matt replies, "Man, I am knee deep in it right now".

by Wiss January 9, 2004

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knee deep

You're in real shit. Aka Trouble.

You're knee deep, you little fucker.

by Jollene November 2, 2003

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Deep Squat

A Deep Squat is a guy who all the girls swoon over, but he isnt actually funny, his genitals are withered by steroids and he cant bend over to tie his laces let alone do a deep squat. He flirts with whoever he can and in particular likes to get into the knickers of girls with a boyfriend, and get to know the guy at the same time, intimately. He wont stop at anything to bed a woman after he has started. All round a nasty piece of work.

That Deep Squat is such a tosser, he gave everyone in the office herpes

by Pliskinsnake December 14, 2010

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Deep in the facts

To study or take time to learn a material

I was deep in the facts for two hours last night and still don't know the material.

by The baeb January 10, 2013

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deep internet

n. The sites of the internet that best exemplify stereotypical internet culture, as defined in the book Epic Win for Anonymous. Though it is generally defined by that source, most people have a grasp on what it means, especially news sources. The deep internet has shown itself to be a wild and lawless place by most civilized standards, and it's citizens are heavily ostracized. Advised using extreme caution when near such deep internet sites as 4chan and reddit.

The deep internet is full of creeps and weirdos.

by MisthollowGriffin June 5, 2014

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going deep

have a serious and thoughtfilled coversation with someone you care about. Most likely a text message. Conversations may incluted sex, life, feelings, ect.

Owen: "Got anything deep"
Hannah: "Yes...what do you think is outside of the earth"
Owen: "Wow we relly are going deep on this one"

by Owin W June 23, 2010

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