Septiceye Sam is Jacksepticeye's little companion and friend for life.first created when jack,also known as Sean,said he wanted his own mascot/character for his youtube channel.
septiceye sam has been made an even bigger plushie.
a half white half mexican sexy ass mf with a thick juicy ass that loves Hentai
damnnnn hes really horny he must be Sam Hobbs!
sam ingle is a top guy not a racist but has said the n word once
sam ingle is a really nice guy
A black man, King of the Faggots
Where's Black Sam?
Probably leading a Faggot Revolution again
Having unconditional Love for Sammy but not having her around making Gunkies particularly Pips very very very missing You!!
Prince phillip had beaten all obstacles in his path, but something was missing, he was still SAM SICK.
1.(Adj.) To be a complete ditz and a little off on the outside, but nerdy and organized on the inside
2. (V.) To restate a question in different words that was just answered; to be a bit of an idiot
3.(N.) A totally drop dead gorgeous gal
1. I am a bit of a Sam Coakley in math and science class.
2. I pulled a Sam Coakley today in biology.
3. Wow, look at that Sam Coakley!