A tremendous amount of sea-men get swallowed up between 1887 - 1961.
Man what a tragedy, a real Aberdeen Steam Trawler.
To describe a really attractive male specimen.
"Oh my GOD, check out that Steaming D over there!" "That is some Steaming D over there!"
the hooded part of the vagina; just above the clit. It usually glissens.
On a hot day, say this to your comely neighbor: Steam hood?
A sweaty pussy that has been marinating in moist panties all day, causing offensive aromas. A smelly snatch that stinks like low tide. Also a song.
My girlfriend needs to shower when she gets home otherwise her steamed peach will make me retch.
The cloudy gas (CO2 from the carbonation process) that you see when you open up a bottle of beer or a carbonated drink.
Why is it when you open a bottle of beer there’s always that funky steam in the top?
When someone is taking a hot, steamy, shower and someone else goes into the bathroom and takes a shit without any courtesy flushes.
“I woke up and hopped in the shower and my boyfriend went in and dropped the nastiest Steam Demon- he damn near suffocated me.”
It's when your shit is so hot that when it hits skin that bitch turns into a homemade steam room.
Brad - Hey Nick come here!
Nick - What?
*Brad shits on his arm
*Nick autistic scream