GRAPES is an acronym of the list of topics to avoid at Thanksgiving (or any holiday or celebration in which you must share space with relatives):
Guns, Religion, Abortion, Politics, Economics, Sexuality.
Don't talk about GRAPES, you'll set off Uncle So-and-So's conspiracy spiral. Again.
Cousin 1: So what do you think about the new church they're buil-
Cousin 2: SHHH, we don't go near GRAPES when the entire family has to share a house for hours and hours.
someone who has been in a surgery.
man:man have you heard about jame?
other man:no,what?
man:he a grape!
The food eaten by a legendary duck
Duck: hey(bum bum bum) got any grapes?
"Grape" is a term employed as a substitute for "rape" on social media platforms to circumvent restrictions imposed by platforms that prohibit the use of the actual word.
She was graped by her friend last night. That was so bad to have happened to her.