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Dropping the soap

(Proverbial Meaning:)
1) Having a lot of sexual intercourse with a lot of different persons.
2) Being situated in a risky situation, where one mistake can be fatal.
(Literal Meanig:)
Dropping the soap in prison. When you drop the soap in prison and you pick it up, you're bending over, which is the perfect oppertunity for your fellow prisoners to take you from behind and penetrate you in an unpleasant way.

(Proverbial Meaning:)
1) You're dropping the soap a lot lately, stop being so slutty!
2) Please help me! If i drop the soap now, im screwed!

by urban Godfather December 30, 2015

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drop tank

Although originally from the auto-motive department, drop tank is used to describe a womans genetalia when she is wearing tight leggins.
Not to be confused with camel toe ,drop tank is just a bulging type pubic area and not the traditional bulge with a split.

"fuck,did you see the drop tank on that"

by Burnin up Brad December 5, 2007

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dropping the hammer

The act of fucking a girl really hard with brute force.

Sorry I missed your call, Joyce and I were in the bed. I was dropping the hammer.

by the true definition April 10, 2015

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drop a gate

Simply to take a hit from a waterfall bong.

Made by melting a small, dime-sized hole in the bottom of a water bottle and installing a bowl or socket wrench gasket in the cap.
While gates are rough on the lungs and taste pretty bad, they get you stoned effectively for cheap.

Yo, you ready to drop a gate?
Hell yeah! We drop gates in downtown all the time!

Did you pack the gate tight?

Yeah, drop this gate and we'll probably have some left for seconds.

by Tyke's little. December 27, 2011

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drop a house

to cum on someones face and then give them a fake phone number.

jonica: so howd it go last night??

jessica: ugh. kyle tried to drop a house on me!!

jonica: ohMygodd. that SUCKS

by shooshgarden March 27, 2010

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drop a dingo

A term used to describe going to the toilet for a shit. the word dingo is taken from Ernie Dingo, an abo celebrity in Australia.

"Wait here while i go drop a dingo"

by icecream February 16, 2007

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Towel dropping

The act of dropping your towel (presumably after a shower) and exposing your genitals to a house guest or other unsuspecting personnel.

Bro#1: dude how was that pizza you ordered last night?
Bro#2: never ate it, the delivery girl was cute so I towel dropped her!
Bro#1: woah dude did you smash?
Bro#2: nah man she called the police...
Towel dropping

by Uncle Matt July 8, 2018