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Smart Nazi

A modern Nazi that agrees with Hitler in killing gay individuals, just not the other victims. Also see KKK

Some white guy: KILL THE GAYS
Me: Damn that’s a smart Nazi

by John McCaffity May 8, 2019

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nookie nazi

a person who with holds sex from their partner

Your girl wouldn't be such a bitch if you'd quit being such a Nookie Nazi and just give her some ass!

by Troubled October 26, 2014

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citrus nazi


Trump is an orange, citrus nazi.

by TheOtherSoup April 21, 2017

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Nazi Ally

An extreme ally that will get offended by the things non-straight people say because they don't understand gay culture.

Krystal is such a nazi ally.

by GayWarren February 24, 2018

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Grammar Nazi

Me as I'm scrolling through this site observing rampant mutilation of the english language...

I sit here like a grammar nazi shaking my head in disappointment assuming an 8 year old child wrote %90 of these definitions

by Uncommonsense82 November 7, 2016

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nazi egirl

The type of egirl to call themself trophy housewife. normally white with blonde hair and blue eyes. Wears a mask most of the time. Average neo nazi just wears eyelashes and a mask

person one: "yo i just saw a nazi egirl on tiktok again"
Person two: "ugh just block them"

by Mar70 March 10, 2022

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Nazi Luck

When someone is a bad person and or does bad things, but they have good things that still happen to them.

That guy must have a ton of Nazi Luck because he just bullied a kid and then won the lottery.

by Alex Be Vibin Tho February 19, 2020

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