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Grammatical Rule of Thumb

1.Using "he" in a sentence as the default pronoun(instead of "he or she") for someone of an unknown gender,a person using this rule is thus considered a sexist by feminists.
2. Rule that compares such a person previously described to that of a wife-beater(wife beating is where the Rule of Thumb part originates).

My feminist English teacher yelled at me about my use of the Grammatical Rule of Thumb in my English paper.

by Klausmetzger February 9, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

green thumb

a big joint the size of a thumb.

dude i just rolled a joint its a fucking green thumb

by dahimself May 19, 2007

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thumb print

a way of taking A LOT of acid. the 'cid is dissolved into a greasy substance at high concentration, and stored in a lip balm container. to dose, stick your thumb in, smear out enough to coat it, and lick it off. depending on the quality of the stuff and how much you scoop out, it seems to be the equivalent of anywhere from 5 to 20 blotter hits.

the first time you do acid, don't do a thumb print. you should work up to that dose in a few sessions with experienced friends.

by minghi May 10, 2003

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thumbs down stalker

People who stalk you on sites such as Urban Dictionary and give thumbs down to every single one of your posts and definitions.

Thumbs down stalkers give you thumbs down for no reason.

by udusers1 July 15, 2011

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thumb some

to stick ure thumb up a gurls hole...and make it go round and round thrustly(the only way to know if you do it right is to ask)

i gave a thumb some to my gurl n she freaked!!!!!!!!

by bob hastle February 15, 2004

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middle finger and thumb

Typically means "Fuck me" when the middle finger by itself me "Fuck you"

You: "you're such an ass *middle finger and thumb*" Partner: "if you insist <3"

by Taytortthott July 13, 2020

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Red Thumb

An uncanny ability to break electronics; A black thumb for technology.

"His computer crashed... again?!"

"Yep, he's got one hell of a red thumb... don't let him near your laptop."

by Jimmuh November 25, 2009

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