Word Type your definition here... Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...
"/" "LOAVE" IRBIN DICSHINAIRY I "SHOOD" "TIPE" IN Word Type your definition here... Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...
When you're semi-bored so you start typing the word "typing" over and over again until you randomly hit enter.
I'm so bored in class but I need to look like I'm actually doing work so I'll just search up typing typing typing typing typing typing typing typing typing typing typing.
Generic Love Types:
Generic Love Types refer to some of the basic different types of love that the ancient Greek philosophers had coined. The special thing is that each type of love has a specific purpose (which is to develop a specific trait).
Here are the main examples:
1) Storge Love: Is found within Cognatic Bonds, to develop *Kinship* among family members.
2) Philias Love: Is found within Fraternal Bonds, to develop *Masculinity* among men. Likewise, Philias Love can be found within Sororal Bonds, to develop *Femininity* among women. Philias love is generally a platonic, non-sexual love (similar to Storge Love).
3) Eros Love: Is found within Connubial Ties, to develop *Intimacy* among a husband and wife.
We learned about Generic Love Types in social studies class.
The three things you did to get here.
"To search something simply click type enter!"
A ‘shadow type’ is your secondary (often unacknowledged) romantic ‘type’. It isn’t the exact opposite of your usual type, just different and maybe more unexpected or embarrassing. Most people don’t even know they have a shadow type until they start noticing a pattern they didn’t expect in the people they crush on/date.
“My type is usually wholesome, bubbly and athletic but my shadow type is definitely mean goths”
“I’m kind of surprised to hear about you and Dorian, I didn’t realise you were into sickly artsy boys”
“Honestly neither did I, but he’s like the third guy I’ve had a thing with this year who looks and sounds like a Victorian ghost. I think that’s my shadow type”
1. A thc vaporizing pen
Ex: Dude hand me the Type Penjo!
2. A W friend
Ex: Waddup lil Type Penjo!
1. Dude hand me the type penjo!
2. I’m fiening for a type penjo.
3. Holy Type Penjo!
4. What’s up lil Type Penjo?
5. Your a Type Penjo.
Person 1: if u type “DONT TYPE THIS!!!” you’re making a huge mistake
Person 2: idc ima type it lol
Person 1: WAIT DONT-