A typical Zach is fast yet slow at everything else. Zach’s are very shy people and hate acting or speaking in public. If you meet a Zach you are extremely lucky and should be very proud of yourself.
Zach is the best. He has beautiful eyes and a cute smile/laugh. The most entertaining person to talk to on the phone for hours. He cares so much about his friends even when things aren’t going well for him. Trustworthy and gives the sweetest compliments. He’s awesome at drawing. A chad. Gives the best hugs <3
“Yo who is that guy”
“Oh that’s Zach, he’s a really cool dude”
Someone when u first meet him u Will wonder about him more anyone else sometimes. Zach is really interesting once u know What he.s like. HONESTly he is the most awesome and Amazing person i.v ever seen with the most breathtaking smile with eyes that lights up the sun...he has light brown curly hair and greyish light green eyes. He has big egos and the wild dreams to fly up in the sky ...while shooting bullets down or something. A virgo. When he finds out u.v had a crush on him..he catches the worst momment to tell u he knows by not saying anything...GINKS if he ever says tht it means Thankyou for everything u.v done to give me attention but the end is here ... ur a nice one over all ...Zach is like everyones fav but u know i gotta enjoy every momment with him cause there.s always gonna be a time when u regret not beING with him enough..apon the milkyway you.ll him again with his smile that lights up Mars and Jupiter.....₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎ i whopp u
Zach is a star tht comes when u need Someone u enjoy the most ...but he has to go when the time is here.....LOOOLLL FLY AWAY DICKS
Zach os the most Amazing person i had ever met..this was in the first yr of highschool.. he knew i was leaving so became nicer to me and with a smile he lights up the sun and everytime i think of them the momment im in is like whem everything stops and the world gets better..everyone liked him and he was always different in such a way that makes everyones heart grow golden daffodills..he always dresses well and sometimes its like he.s a prince FROM a fairytail...now i guess ill never see him again but draw all the time We spent even if it.s lame until i forget about everything Then love is just a shout to the void and that we.re all doomed. He always played with some people eho really needed help being the weired lower class people that gets bad marks in everything..zach is like JESUS but the shreck in Christmas
A retard who should trim their eyebrows and gets no girls. Zach has a dark side to him once you get to know him. He loves humping.
Zach loves to hump blonde girls.
Person: Oh there goes Zach
Person 2: He's probs gonna go see Audrey
a guy bestfriend who can always make you laugh even in shitty and serious time he always loves to hangout with his friend and he is very much a dumbass and he is not skinny he likes to diss his friends alot but that just means he loves them he is also a very horney person and jacks off three times a day maybe even more
zach:ur so fucking annoying
friend:i love u too