After I took a crap I wiped my ass with some dirt circle destroyer. Ending up with shit all over my tips.
A notorious organization of Gamers, Rednecks, Ricers, Duginites, Autists, Schizophrenics, Mugmaniacs, Jokers, Nationalists, and KFC Employees dedicated to the liberation of the West from the clutches of the globalist Carl Schwarb and his evil society. The party was established in 1946 by Mayor McCheese, son of the Galactic Nephite Emperor Weegee and a massive autist.
Beta: where do yuo work out?
Sigma Gamer: Circle Trigon Party headquarters.
Richard Nixon: "Based" and "Redpilled"
A stupid glow squid who likes to cancel his friends on twitter for absolutely no reason
Hey you're circle glow squid? Oh then stop using Twitter.
This is built for you to find out where that person stand in your circle. (It doesn’t have to be exactly that, use your imagination)
* Regular - someone who you know with maybe 1 or 2 mutuals but you only know them probably through them mutuals, if not that’s shows it’s a “small world” . Depending on how you view this person, it can exceed to 7 mutuals
* Close Friend of a Friend - so usually it’s just somebody you know trough a mutual friend like 1 or 2 mutuals but you don’t wanna call them a regular because you actually think of them more than that
* Hidden Gem - someone who is interesting that you hope no one knows, 1 - 4 mutuals, I’ll say 5 mutuals is a stretch
* I’m not Surprised - this is a person you know and already can assume other people you follow know due to school, work, etc. usually 1 - 9 mutuals
* Well known in “That” circle - these are the “I’m not Surprised” who are well know possible range 10 - 15 mutuals. A Bonus sub role are “big names” some one who may exceed to 20 (rare) these just make sense even though you don’t want to hold them to a celeb standard
* Celeb/famous (most known mutual followers) - 15+ mutuals
* Super Celeb - usually pass your normal so like 40 - 100+ mutuals
"Which Role do I play in your Soul Circle"
"I wonder if @Soulcirclereport will update the Soul Circle Roles?"
Move your behind in a circular motion
my best friend she finna throw that ass in a circle oh go best friend, that's my best friend, that's my best friend
122👍 38👎
Group of NFL fans on YouTube who brag and complain about their favorite teams when they win and lose. It's beginnings are thought to trace back to 2006. Known as "The TTC" for short
The Trash Talking Circle is for NFL fans on YouTube
30👍 7👎
Nobody likes to hang around boring/dull persons for more than half a sec. Having no squares in your circle means your closest ones' group is interesting, driven and adventurous; you stand out as opposed to fitting in.
"… I wanna be somebody, somebody that's never been
No squares in my circle, best shape I ever been"
14👍 2👎